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For Your Convenience

Delightful Light



Back in the 70s when I worked as a receptionist for an airline and later a law office, it was my job to file errata sheets. I literally filed 100s of them maybe even 1000's. A lawyer kindly explained why. Inexperienced readers most likely will not know when or where errors occur in technical publications. So, they won't know to look in a special place to find any corrections to those publications.


Do yourself a favor. Obtain current errata sheets from any and all publishers for the technical manuals (how-to books) that you own. Then, find every error indicated on the sheet and mark all the corrections in the original book. Avoid taping errata sheets inside book covers. Years from now when that tape disintegrates and the errata sheet is lost, heartaches will have been averted.


As for the publications sold at Delightful Light, electronic files will be kept up to date as errors are found. Links to the corrected digital files will appear in the private member area of our Home Artist Community for only those customers who have purchased the original files. For the printed materials, only one errata sheet exists for Delightful Light publications. It is for Fast Track to Quilt Design & Construction.

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